
The average household where we work in rural KwaZulu-Natal survives on just R30 000(£ 1250), with 66% of families living in poverty.

Your support, whether through a one-off donation or a regular gift, organising a fundraiser, donating your birthday or leaving a gift in your Will, could make a big difference for local children and young people’s education and future.

However you choose to support us, please email so we can thank you and update you on the impact of your giving.

Fund our future

KHULA Education’s work is made possible thanks to the generous donations of individuals, companies, trusts and other institutions. Here are a few ways in which your support could make a difference for children and young people in KwaZulu-Natal:

£26 or R600

Could feed 5 preschoolers breakfast and lunch for a month

£45 or R1,000

Could fund one learner’s year-long participation in our Supplementary Teaching programme

£100 or R2,300

Could fund 6 young people to take part in our KidsMBA, building vital entrepreneurial and soft skills

£550 or R12,650

Could fund a laptop for our Digital Skills and Job Readiness Hubs

£1,300 or R30 000

Could provide one month of KHULA top-up teaching to a local government school

£5,200 or R120,000

Could pay for a Trainee Teacher’s salary for one year

Donate Now

set up a direct debit or make a one-off donation

You can also set up a direct debit or make a one-off donation to our South African and UK bank accounts using the details below. Please email with your details so we can thank you and keep you updated on how your support is making a difference.

For donations in South African Rand:

Account name: David Rattray Foundation
Account number: 060 148 330
Bank: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
Branch: Ladysmith, code 057725
Branch code (Electronic): 051001
Bank address: Standard Bank of South Africa, Ladysmith,

For donations in GBP, USD and all other currencies:

Account name: David Rattray Memorial Trust (David Rmt)
Account number: 91563890
Sort code: 40-03-17
IBAN: GB19MIDL40031791563890
Bank address: HSBC, The Peak, 333 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EJ


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