Dear friends,

In the 30 years that we have run Fugitives’ Drift Lodge, there is no doubt that 2020 has been the hardest. We miss our guests, our friends and our family and we are so looking forward to seeing you all again. 

I am writing to you, our much-loved friends today with a heartfelt appeal.

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of seeing many of the children of the local area grow up before my eyes and attend the schools supported byKHULA Education. Many of them are children of those employed here at theLodge or are the direct descendants of those brave soldiers who made the areas of Rorke’s Drift and Isandlwana famous. 

And it’s not only the pupils who have grown in this time; it’s the schoolsthemselves as they teach more and more children each year who thrive in theircare. This is shown in the consistently improving academic results year onyear, but the pandemic has taken its toll.

With international travel to South Africa difficult at the moment and fundraisingevents prohibited globally, we are having to turn to you once again in order tomaintain the provision that our pre-schools offer. 

£50 or R1,000 will pay for school lunches for 40 pre-schoolchildren for one month

£125 or R2,500 will cover the entire costs of a pre-school child's education for one term

£500 or R10,000 will cover those costs for one academic year

Your donation is hugely important to us and the children.

The beautiful landscape of KwaZulu-Natal is no substitute for a qualityeducation. Our ambition is to provide this for as many children as possible inDavid’s name, so that they might fulfil their potential and his dream. 

For more information about the amazing work that KHULA Education does orhow to help in different ways, please contact us on fundourfuture@khula-education.org.za

We thank you in advance and look forward to welcoming you back to Fugitives’Drift soon. 

Nicky and Doug Rattray

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